Mrs. Loren Francis was my guiding light throughout the college application process. With her expert guidance, I gained clarity on every step, from managing time effectively to curating my college list. She led insightful brainstorming sessions for my Common App essay and ensured I submitted my applications on time. As a result, I received acceptance letters from ten prestigious universities, including Northwestern University, UC Berkeley, and Rice University. Mrs. Francis's support was invaluable. I highly recommend her services.
Naperville Student Class of 2024
LF Educational Consulting focus on students between 8th and 12th grades, and offers expert assistance with the college admission process. Whether students need tips for the application interview or college essay help, LF Educational Consulting can work with them. Additionally, LF Educational Consulting can help students define a list of ideal colleges, build a list of impressive extracurricular activities, and identify your core interests so they can pick the right major. Thank you to Mrs. Francis for her years of partnering with Rodney White SSMP 100 Black Men of Chicago, Inc.
Mrs. Francis developed a personalized plan that kept me focused though the college admission process from start to finish. I very much enjoyed working with Mrs. Francis. All the challenging work was worth it; when the college acceptances started to arrive and especially with being offered a place at my number one college. Thank you, Mrs. Francis, for your kindness, thoughtfulness, and expertise.
Student Batavia High School

Hi Loren, Recently my doctor was asking about my experience on Catherine’s college application process and I mentioned your service and gave her your information.We were very happy with Catherine’s college choice and believe your service is an important factor. Will refer you to anyone who needs the same help!
Haiping Y Parent Nequa Valley High School
It has been such a relief since Nov. 1 that Catherine has submitted all her application and I personally verified them at each school. According to Catherine, when she compared notes with her friends, she felt her assays did a much better job in differentiating herself from the rest.
Thanks again for guiding Catherine in the past two months
Chunhao Q Parent Nequa Valley High School
LF Educational Consulting helped me understand the college admission process and scholarships. It was good to know how I could use my chosen major in the real world. Mrs. Francis helped me navigate all areas of the college admission process.
Jason W Waubonsie Valley High School
Mrs. Francis helped me organize the college admission process; narrowed down my college choices and find the best colleges for me. Her help with the college essays helped me to show my individuality.
Catherrine Q Student Nequa Valley High School
"Loren Francis is a skilled planner, organizer, and advocate. She balances vision with practicality. Loren communicates clearly with equal measures of candor and diplomacy. Most importantly, her value system emphasizes integrity, respect, and compassion. I worked with Loren for four years including planning meetings, observation of the resulting events, and frequent candid conversations. Loren led a group of parents of high school children who formed an advocacy organization to promote the closing of “achievement gaps” and build full-belongingness for all students and families within the Naperville North High School community."
– Kevin P retired principal, Naperville North High School
Ms. Francis is very informative and schedule for my child to finish her college application task list. That really was helpful during summer so that she was able to spend time efficiently in research colleges and writing essays. Ms. Francis connected very well with my student. We enjoyed working with LF Educational Consulting
Parent Nequa Valley High School
Thank you
I wanted to reach out and say thank you so much for all the insight you have given me for this process. You really helped me organize my thoughts and helped me create some very great essays
-Student Adlai Stevenson High School
- Student Adlai Stevenson High School
“Loren Francis helped de-mystify the college application process by identifying not only WHAT needed to be done, but WHEN. Timing is the key which ensures that all the pieces into place in the end and do not become overwhelming along the way. Loren offered many innovative approaches and tips for every step.”
– G klemic Parent Naperville North High School
“I would like to thank you for attending the African American Male Summit College Fair. Our young men truly appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule to meet with them and share all of the wonderful scholarship opportunities available to them. I hope that you will keep us in mind for future programs as we continue to expose our students to post-secondary opportunities.”
– M White Dean of Students, Glenbard South High School
"Loren Francis was very informative and instructive in guiding us to make college decision in to which schools have excellent computer science program as well as being affordable. Loren diligently reviewed all of my son's applications and provided feedback in order to make sure they exceeded or met the college requirements."
- A Safo Parent Neuqua Valley High School
"Fermilab’s TARGET Program is a high competitive, paid, six-week summer internship.Twenty-one high school summer interns had the pleasure and the benefit of knowledge Mrs. Francis shared during an hour and half workshop held at Fermilab, titled, The College Application Process. Blind workshop evaluation completed by the interns overwhelmingly rated Mrs. Francis’ presentation, subject matter knowledge and communication style, as outstanding."
– Sandra C., Laboratory Diversity & Inclusion Manager, TARGET Program Manager
"Great presentation! It was very helpful."
– Student attending Fermilab S.T.E.M Target Program
"Loren worked with the Guidance and Curriculum departments of the school to organize a series of parent education events focused on preparing students for college admission."
– Kevin P., retired principal, Naperville North High School
"Loren, I wanted to extend my gratitude. It was great to meet you, and let me tell you that I met with all the Target interns this week and they expressed how much they enjoyed your workshop. Thank you for commitment, and I hope to have you back next summer!"
"Loren helped us start to plan and learn about the college admission process. While assessing our son to better understand and find his strengths. She’s patient and a great listener. I would recommend Loren for your college admission counseling."
– A Colareta Naperville parent
"Loren, Thank you for serving on the SFCP Parent to Parent panel.Your time and expertise are much appreciated."
– S Posey, Principal, Naperville North High School
“Mrs. Francis took a huge load off my back, has a busy working parent. We finished the college application process in on time. I can say the service she provided to us was invaluable.”
– S Reddy Parent Neuqua Valley High School
“Our parents appreciated her professional, knowledge, and profound insight that is not typically found in other college admission presentation. I am looking forward to her return and highly recommend her to all parents and students embarking on the college admission process.”
– Andrea J Collier President of Pages Waubonsie Vally High School
“I would strongly recommend LF Educational Consulting for all students who are serious about going to college.”
– Joe C Student Naperville North High School
“Mrs. Francis’s presentation was extremely beneficaial to our junior and senior high school students, and equally as helpful to their parents. She is a passionate advocate for parents students and teachers working collaboratively to ensure best practices in education. Mrs. Francis’s is true educator, demonstrated by her professionalism, dedication and commitment to the field.”
– Albert G Demming Executive Director 100 Black Men of Chicago
“She taught me the steps in the college admissions process and guided me in choosing which colleges to complete applications for, as I knew very little in both of those departments. She also movtivated me to complete the application and required essays quickly, which I honestly can say I would not have done with such speed if not for her assistance.”
– N Reddy Student Neuqua Valley High School
“Mrs. Francis was our guest presenter for the session on College Planning. She opened the session explaining the need for College Readiness and preparedness at an early age. Both parent and students were amazed at the segment in the presentation that answered question they had not anticipated. Mrs.Francis’s presentation was much needed and appreciated by both Mentors, Parents and especially junior and Graduating Seniors.”
– J Holloway Site Coordinator 100 Black Men of Chicago
"Dear Mrs.Francis, I would like to extend one last major thank you for all the guidance you provided me with applying to college. I couldn't have done it without you"
- J Starks Waubonsie Valley High School
“Loren, on behalf of school family, community partnership, we would like to extend our gratitude for your generous support for our Huskie family at the Parent- to-Parent College Admission Night. We received wonderful feedback from the surveys.”
– SFCP Committee Naperville North High School
"Mrs Francis, help me develop a plan for my college admission goals. She encouraged me to complete my applications on time and was very helpful."
- M Hale Student Naperville North High School
"Mrs Francis was our principal presenter this past month and it was evident from her first statement to her last of how committed and dedicated she was to delivering quality information to the mentees and parents that would support their efforts to be successful with post secondary options. I think her compassion and patience during the questions and answer period,further exemplified her overwhelming passion to make a difference in the lives of our youth."
- Frederick J Carter South Suburban Mentoring Program 100BMC
"Mrs. Francis is very organized which greatly helps alleviate the stress of applying to colleges. She has made the process very streamline making it take much less time than if i was applying by myself. Mrs. Francis is very knowledgeable about several college program which aided me in deciding which colleges to apply to."
- A Safo Student Neuqua Valley High School
Mrs.Francis help with organizing the items for the college admission process, and extremely helpful with college essay writing tips. She helped narrow down which colleges was best for me - Thank you
- C QI Student Neuqua Valley High School