The ALEKS is a placement test designed to measure a student’s understanding of advanced mathematics. Colleges and universities use it to ensure that a student is capable of carrying out the curriculum of designated advanced math courses. ALEKS exam practice ensures that you’ll get placed into the ri...

CONGRATULATIONS! Welcome to the class of (insert year) at (insert college name)....”

This is often as far as the excited college applicant reads in their acceptance letter. Even if you did read the next few sentences, rarely does the warning stand out. The wor...

v    Go to class

v    Be proactive about your education and major

v    Take care of your mental and physical health

v    Know your degree and graduation requirements

v    Make a four-year plan - graduate on time

v    Double-check everything a c...

A college counselor explains test-optional, test-blind and test-flexible policies and why you might have fewer reasons to stress as you prepare for college.

The college admissions experience involves different levels of stress. In my years as a higher education professional, I’ve observed that prepa...

Congratulations! If you’re reading this blog, you’ve most likely been admitted to a few colleges, which is a huge accomplishment! For some of you, this is a long-anticipated next step and for others this may represent a powerful new endeavor ...

If you’re a senior, chances are that by now the application process has come to an end, and most results are already in for those who applied early. So now what? This is a great time to research and apply for scholarships. Many scholarships are seen as hallmarks of commendable work and some scholars...

1. Set aside some college-free time.

I remember my senior year. College is all anyone could talk about! Whether it was at Thanksgiving dinner, at lunch at school, or with random people at the grocery store, everyone wants to know your plans. Set some boundaries for yourself and try to limit this talk...

One of the biggest mistakes many families make is assuming they won’t receive any aid from colleges and universities. Parents frequently put a stranglehold on their child’s college list and tell them that they can only attend an in-state institution because that’s all they believe they can afford. T...

There’s a pattern to the way the media, as a whole, covers college admissions. A typical year of coverage for most—that’s most—media outlets goes something like this:


Mid-September—The US News rankings come out, and everyone clamors over the top-ranked college. It’s typically the same top-ran...

Questions About Admissions

For lots of families of high school juniors and sophomores, this whole college admissions process has just kicked into gear. So, it seems like a good time to talk about the typical mistakes students and parents make as they get started.

In my experience, students often tend to underestimate their ch...

This is the year you put all the puzzle together. Your grades constitute a large part of what college take into account when considering admission. Your junior transcript in the most important transcript, make it count.

❖ Academic difficulties: Seek assistance from your parents, teacher and resource ...

